Monday, May 24, 2004

University of Maryland Unofficial 10 year Reunion

My two college roomies, Mary and Emlyn, and I went back to visit College Park on 5/23/04, 10 years after I graduated....


  1. I know, a very quick 10 years....

  2. I am so glad that you put these on here. Just looking at all the stuff around campus brings back so many memories. I hope you had a great time at your reunion!

  3. The one thing there are no pictures is the Stamp Student Union. They completey re-did it to the point where we were totally confused about where we were and what used to be there. There was a whole food court and beautiful architecture inside there. Crazy. I also didn't go down to the new Comcast center (basketball). It was way down past the math buildings and we had already been walking for hours.... it was nice seeing everything again.

  4. Did you go to the new gym and pool?

  5. oops, missed those also. It's big. I forgot how big. We didn't even make it over to South Campus. Now I remember why I was in better shape back then all the walking....
