Sunday, November 7, 2004

Hiking at Rock Creek Park, 11/07/04

Today, Sunday, 11/07/04, some friends and I decided to take advantage of what might be one of the last nice days of the year and go hiking. What made this hiking trip different was, instead of our usual trek to Great Falls (Maryland side for climbing, Virginia side for hiking) we decided to go to Rock Creek Park in DC. Although I have walked and driven through the park before, I never endeavored on any of it’s many trails.

So we ventured out. It was close to 70 degrees and the skies were a beautiful blue. I should have known it was going to be a great day because on my drive in to DC there was no traffic. I mean seriously, Rte 66, west into DC and no traffic. That’s unheard of, you know? Oh, you don’t? Well it’s extremely rare. Trust me, I do it all the time. Maybe most people were either at church or at home still mourning the election.

Todd, Jim, Tom and James joined me on this trip. I don’t know where all the girls were today, probably home watching football J. James isn’t in any of these photos since he was the main photographer for the day but Jim and Todd also took some and I hope to add those later. Can’t have an album without James in it.

We set out around 11:30 am and planned on a 4-5 mile hike. I have no idea how long it actually was but it lasted a few hours, much of it uphill. The scenery was gorgeous. There were fallen leaves all around (making it a little slippery at times) and multi-colored foliage still grasping to the surrounding trees. The Creek intercepted us (or rather vice versa) multiple times. We seemed to be moving very fast and a part of me felt as if I was in a Thoreau essay racing against time… only days from this day would be the first frost and these adventures would be put on hiatus till spring.

Without the usual risks and fears of falling in the Potomac (at Great Falls), the steep inclines and slippery leaves rattled the nerves just slightly enough to get the adrenaline going.

The day was perfect.

--Regrets, no regrets--
Regretfully, I went for an extremely long jog yesterday (Saturday) and was already sore at the start of this journey. I can only imagine how my legs will feel tomorrow when my alarm sounds for a new workweek. However I no longer feel guilty about the pints of Guinness I thoroughly enjoyed Friday night at happy hour.

Until next time… enjoy the scenery and LIVESTRONG.


  1. Oh, I'm jealous! So pretty and it was such a gorgeous day. Although I am sad to see all those leaves on the ground instead on the trees :-(
    Rock Creek Rocks!

  2. I will tell you this Susan, if we get one more nice weekend day, we are either back to Rock Creek, to Great Falls or to Old Rag or Shenandoah. I will definitely let you know!

  3. Wish I was there. Today and last Sunday were really bonus days. Glad you took advantage.

  4. These are great pics! You'll have to take Michael and me next time we're there. We've never been hiking and it looks like so much fun!

  5. sure thing. There are so many great places in and around DC for hiking.

  6. very cool. I'm going to have to order some of these thru the new Multiply photo lab. Hope to upload mine soon (I've got about 3 or 4 good snapshots). thanks for posting these so quickly! -Todd
