Sunday, December 5, 2004

NYC Photography 12/2004

I took a stroll this morning (Dec 5th) from the East Village up to the Empire State Building, camera in hand (and of course stopped in a few shops on Fifth Avenue along the way).

Like my last album, I'm still playing around with images/photoshop, etc...


  1. thanks! I think it's my favorite too.

  2. This is my fav too! You should sell these on a street corner in the city & make some money!!! LOL Awesome photos!!!

  3. Great photos!! You really are talented...and I am doing my best to refrain from commenting on the "selling stuff on the streetcorner" comment :).

  4. Jodi,
    These pictures are amazing. Wow! I had no idea you were so skilled with the camera! Is this a hobby? or more a way of life for you?

  5. a hobby that I am starting to get really into. our staff photographer said he would be willing to give me some constructive criticism. that should help.

    thanks for the compliment- it's a ton of fun!

  6. One of my good friends (in NJ, of course) is a photographer. She's amazing. It's really interesting. I'd love to get more into it if I had the time. Alas...

  7. Intersting pictures you got here

  8. Nice Pic - I probably don't have as nice of a camera as you do. I have a Nikon that doesn't do color accent, but my SD870 (canon) does...but it cannot do two or more colors --- how did you do that?

  9. photoshop! took the photo in color, then desaturated all but the flag in PS, then accented the colors in the flag.

  10. you have a talent :) and good eyes!

  11. Whoa! Love it! U have an unbelievable eye for beautiful images!
