Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Carnegie Mellon OnLine Laundry

I know many of you attended CM, thought you might find this interesting...

At Carnegie Mellon, even the laundry is online
Students get e-mail when machines are done

By Dan Nephin

PITTSBURGH - Technology is taking laundry from the clothesline to online. Carnegie Mellon University is testing a Web-based system that sends e-mail to students when their laundry is done and allows them to log on to an Internet site to check the status of machines...more.


  1. I wish they had this when I was there. I would have had a lot less damp laundry left to mildew on the top of a dryer while I worked on my 15-211 homework.

  2. I'm not surprised. CMU has been pushing the technology envelope for a while. They were one of the first universities to have a wireless campus (wish they had that while I was there!), and is usually #1 in Yahoo's ranking of the top tech-savy schools.

  3. Big deal. :) Before the internet was called the internet.....

    In the mid-1970s some brilliant student at Carnegie Mellon University got tired of trudging down many flights of stairs from his computer terminal to get a soda from a basement vending machine. By some law of the universe, the machine was always out of his favorite variety whenever he was most thirsty. So he hacked up a network connection to the vending contraption. Now, before he made the long trip down, he would e-mail it to see which sodas were available.

    The Coke machine on the Internet became legendary, and it wasn't long before students a thousand miles away were querying it, just on the principle that it was there.

    Internet Vending Machines
