Friday, November 11, 2005

Las Vegas / Red Rock 11/2005

Went to Vegas for vacation this week. Not only did I not find the money I left there in March, but I seemed to have mis-placed some more...

Also went out to Red Rock Canyon which is about 30 minutes out side of the Strip. Met a nice burrow...


  1. Sorry to hear about the lost money. Did you report it to the police? I'm sure they don't have any cases like that on their docket. Looks like a great time, and Red Rocks looked pretty cool. In fact...when don't you do anything cool?????

  2. funny. thanks Mike for showing me how to use this feature. you are the smartest brother in the world.

  3. Flattery, just as the holidays are approaching...interesting.

    What sound does a burrow make? (Need to add new verses to Old MacDonald had a farm...)

  4. last night I did laundry. is that cool? :)

  5. I didn't roll down the window. There was a little fear of him/her kicking in the window, so after that photo, we high-tailed it outta there. He/she sorta snorted though....

  6. Knowing you, it was probably at a trendy laundromat where you got served cosmopolitans by Dave Grohl....

  7. I love this pic!! Is that his breath on your lens? He is a cutey....

  8. yep- that is his breath. How cute is he!!
