Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Glass Booth Quiz connects you to the candidate representing your beliefs

Not sure if this has been posted already, but I had heard about several versions of this and wanted to check it out. Ironically the candidate I support was not the one it aligned me with, although he/she was in top 4.

First screen, you choose which issues are important to you.

Second screen asks you specifics about the issues and has you rate your interest.

Final screen shows you the candidate you are most in line with, plus the other top 2, and a drop down to choose any candidate and see how you compare. Interesting.

I recommend during the second screen skipping any questions you aren't sure about as this will skew your final match up. For example, a specific question about privatizing Social Security, I should have researched or skipped rather than picking something I wasn't entirely sure about. This totally changed the final candidate it gave me.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting.... now I understand why Ron Paul is such an internet sensation... he ended up being my #1 match.
