Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Bellagio Gardens and Fountains 4/20/08

Jill and I checked out the latest display at the Bellagio conservatory and then watched the fountains. There was a butterfly exhibit and we also saw a rainbow.


  1. You take great photos, Jodi Badodi! Very frameable. :) Hope you had a happy birthday yesterday. Did you like our singing? Love and miss you! Mary

  2. Very cool! Thanks for bringin a little but of spring into my day.
    Last night I started to prep all my outdoor pots for spring planting, but we're still about 3 or 4 weeks from being safe from killing frosts.

  3. The world would be a much happier place if there were more tulips :)

    Ah, tulips...a fave! Great pics.

  4. I dropped that baby somewhere around here...dammit!
