Friday, September 26, 2008

The Great Schlep


Hysterical.  Sarah Silverman urges Jewish people to go to Florida and convince their Jewish grandparents to vote Obama.
Foul language.


  1. My Dad sent this one to me. Definitely worth a watch!

  2. Funny editorial in Time. Similar theme.,9171,1830395,00.html

    Then Cohen started working on the commonalities between Obama and Mama Ann. "Barack grew up in Hawaii," Cohen said. "They have lots of beaches." If Cohen really thinks Mama Ann has left her condo to go to the beach in the past 20 years, he clearly hasn't spent any time with old Jews in Florida. Because Jews have been targeted with anti-Obama e-mails, he thought Mama Ann might believe false rumors that Obama is a Muslim. Again, if Cohen thinks Mama Ann is using a computer, he needs to get to Fort Lauderdale more often.

  3. That's great! My dad is visiting from Florida during the weekend of the Schlep, we'll have to have a conversation :-)

  4. Someone I know (who may read this) tells me Barack Obama, and more specifically Michelle Obama are anti Israel and possibly anti-Semites. BUT I can't find any TRUE evidence to support that.

    if you go to the site above and click the talking points link, you get a PDF that has info about how 'Obama loves Israel'. That whole greatschlep site was put together by the Jewish Council for Education and Research. How anti-semitic can Obama be if they support him? i dunno...

  5. You should stop hanging out with Sarah Palin.
