Thursday, February 7, 2008

Romney Suspends Campaign - USA TODAY
This surprised me.

"Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney suspended his presidential campaign Thursday, telling a convention of conservative activists a protracted fight with John McCain would only aid the Democrats.
"I entered this race because I love America, and because I love America, I feel I must stand aside for our party and our country,"


  1. BS. My candidate is done. Now I am left with a choice of either John McCain, Mike Huckabee, Ron Paul, Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama? I need to revoke my US citizenship like Bobby Fischer and go live among the supermodels and volcanoes of Iceland...

  2. He gave such a good speech this afternoon. I am dissapointed.

  3. Maybe he just changed his position on running for prez. Who knows, he may change it again this afternoon and run again.

  4. Believe it or not I feel your pain.. Fred was originally my backup choice, and he just got tired out. I finally settled on Mitt as my backup because Huckabee and McCain are not even Republicans (not that Mitt's resume strikes me as ultraconservative, but next to the others I'd give him a shot). So tell me, is your cat a free spender or fiscally conservative?

  5. Ha. This cat is fiscally conservative and very picky.
